Monday, December 14, 2020

Sunflower Field in Provence - o/c 28.5" x 32.5"


There is something to be said about the welcoming style of French farmhouses in the way they are grouped together compared to other countries. Structures are connected together and placed at various angles in a practical living and working arena.  And in doing so, they also provide the close-knit warmth of the family within.

Windows, however few, are not facing four directions.  This is due to the cold northwesterly mistral that passes through in winter and spring. I recall humorously reading that "the mistral is strong enough to blow the ears off a donkey." Of course, not as humorous, if you're experiencing those dreaded winds first hand.

I have snapped photos over the years of these farmhouses, and leafed through books creating various compositions of these original works in oil. Remaining true to my artistic style, I add the appearance of ivy growing up the walls to give the appearance of the farmhouse's antiquity.  And trees and shrubbery surrounding the structures for protection from the mistral, and shade from the summer sun.  This also provides harmonious color and depth between the sunlight and shadows.  Beyond the shadows and structured interior, I evoke added interest into the viewer's imagination while gazing upon the painting.

A sunflower field is especially inviting when the stalks are tall, and flowers in full bloom.  And those in the foreground appear to droop sadly; due to the weight of their seeds and pedals they are lush and ready for harvesting.

Besides sharing a story about "Sunflower Field in Provence" . . . did you know that while the color yellow signifies HAPPINESS, the sunflower symbolizes LOYALTY and LONGEVITY?

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Poppies in Provence - o/c 28.5" x 32.5"



Traveling from the site of Cezanne's view of Mont Sainte-Victoire that he depicted in his paintings, there was abundant visual beauty surrounding small residences and farmhouses.  Multipal blooms of poppies with their deep red petals and purple/black pistil stand erect, protected by the dense greenery and gentle breeze throughout the landscape in Spring.

Depending on the contrasting light of day, the flowering white trees become mirror images with the billowy clouds.

A feast to one's senses of sight and scent is Poppies in Provence.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Tiger Lily Reflections - 33" x 29"

Recently, a patron of mine from the northeast forwarded a photo of how she has displayed "Tiger Lily Reflections" in her private residence. How beautiful to view how her personal design style has been arranged to compliment my original oil painting.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Field of Red Poppies - o/c 20.5" x 25"


Another original landscape in the series created from memories traveling throughout Provence when fields are covered with poppies.

Field of Bluebonnets - o/c 21" x 25"

How lovely is a carpet of royal and bold-blue colored wild flowers growing upon the rolling hills of Texas in spring? They are especially unique too. Bluebonnets grow no where else in the world.

Upon further research of these flowers, I came across an historic quote.  "The bluebonnet is to Texas what the shamrock is to Ireland, the cherry blossom to Japan, the lily to France, the rose to England and the tulip to Holland."  These are words one never could forget.

The oil painting is simply titled "Field of Bluebonnets" and considered first in the original series of these flowering fields.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Iris and Daffodils - o/c 20.5" x 25"


Vivid colors are bountiful with iris and daffodils in spring.  How inviting is this landscape painting for the viewer to imagine walking among these flowers?